Dark Patterns
Have you seen unexpected charges on your credit card and wondered how they got there? Have you accidentally signed up for a membership or service on a website that you didn’t want or know that you signed up for? Have you ever tried to cancel a subscription or membership online and found it was impossible to do? Or worse yet, that you had to show up in person to cancel it? You may have been the victim of a “dark pattern”, computer interfaces that companies intentionally design to trick you into buying services or keeping services that you don’t want. And, it can be actionable.
Dark patterns are user interfaces that companies employ to knowingly confuse users or consumers, making it difficult for them to express their actual preferences, or to manipulate them into taking certain actions. They generally prompt online consumers to purchase goods and services that they do not want or to provide information that they would prefer not to disclose.
While there are many strategies that constitute “dark patterns”, the most typical are:
TheGrantLawFirm has expertise in spotting and litigating dark patterns. If you have been deceived by a “dark pattern” and have suffered an out of pocket loss, we can help you.